
Coffee Anyone?

2018-03-15T11:50:05-04:00Blog, Blog Posts|

I can make it through my morning and day without my usual cup of coffee.    But, by “making it through” I mean have a pounding headache and want to fall asleep at my desk at least three times.   I have accepted my addiction to caffeine, and in fact,  embraced it. I brew it every morning, have at least a cup [...]

My New Breakfast Spot

2017-09-19T10:06:02-04:00Blog, Blog Posts|

Wolfgang’s. For many Grand Rapidians, a necessary pilgrimage. Among students, the restaurant enjoys mythical status as the place you can get a $4 early bird special, that is, if you can peel yourself out of bed in time. It’s common for little herds of Calvin students make the pilgrimage together, emerging from dormitories into the [...]


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