Hello West Michigan hosted their 9th annual Intern Connect event last month on June 15th. As the Marketing and Web Intern for Hello West Michigan, I spent the weeks before helping to prepare for the event; from posting content on social media to assembling goodie bags. Being an intern myself gave me the unique experience of attending the event both as an employee behind-the-scenes and as an attendee!
On event day, I arrived at the office bright and early and we quickly headed to the venue to get everything ready. Being that it was the hottest day of the summer so far, lugging our supplies through the streets of downtown Grand Rapids was no easy task (ever moved 500 water bottles in 90-degree heat?). Helping to set up the event meant that I was able to watch my fellow attendees arrive and feel their excitement and energy in the air!
The conference was an informative and educational experience on both ends. Each of the sessions, while all interesting, brought something different to the table, with takeaways to be had from each. Between the two featured speakers, two panels, and the networking session there were lots of great tips and advice shared, and connections made. However, there were a few key pieces of advice that stood out to me.
- When getting started in your career, take every opportunity that comes your way.
Especially early in our careers, gaining experience can only help, not hurt us. Even when it seems like they might not directly align with your ultimate career goal, having diverse skills and experiences is important.
- When looking for a job, write down and evaluate what YOU want to be doing. Then, start your search from there.
This advice, shared by a member of the recruiting panel, stood out to me because it goes against how many people traditionally think of a job hunt. Not only does this way of thinking put you back in control as the candidate, but matching your skills with your interests is key to truly enjoying your job.
- Dondreá Brown had some great financial advice to share:
- Your budget determines your lifestyle, income lets you know if you can afford it.
- There are 4 things you can do with money: spend, save, share, or invest.
What I most appreciated about Dondreá’s presentation was how simple he made financial management sound. As a college student, budgeting and financial management often feel overwhelming, but when you break down everything you do with your money into just four categories, budgeting and setting financial goals sound much more manageable.
Part of Intern Connect was an hour-long networking session. The great part about networking in this event setting was the chance to not only make professional connections but also to speak with peers you wouldn’t otherwise get to meet. I was able to talk with several other attendees of Intern Connect and learn what their biggest takeaways from the event were:
- Mallory, Research Intern at Mary Free Bed: always stay connected to the people you meet throughout your career because you never know who you’ll run into or when a connection might be helpful!
- Elora, Electrical Engineering Intern at Twisthink:Â say yes more often, and use all the opportunities you’re given to help you grow personally and in your industry.
- Izzy, Supply Chain Intern at Mary Free Bed:
- Schming, Business Intelligence and Research Intern at The Right Place: appreciated how Dondreá simplified how to prioritize what you can afford within your budget.
Having been on both sides of Intern Connect, I can say that it was truly a unique and valuable experience. Through the ongoing Virtual Connection Events, I’ve been able to make personal connections with several of the Intern Connect speakers, other professionals in the area, and even re-connect with peers I met at Intern Connect. I would recommend attending to any intern in West Michigan looking to grow as a young professional and build connections!
There’s one more Virtual Connection Event left this summer, on August 3rd at noon!
If you’re interested in attending, register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYld-GrqjovHtxcpUPMZXIDSAEY9aOh2jzN