Summer is (as usual) flying by, which means the 4th of July is quickly approaching! For me, the day is usually spent boating, relaxing, and enjoying the sun and water with friends and family. Top the night off with a campfire and fireworks and you’ve got the perfect Michigan holiday. With the Fourth falling on a Monday this year, many of us will be enjoying an extra-long weekend. Depending on your idea of a vacation, this either means extra time to relax or that you’ll need to find more things to do! If you’re still deciding how to spend your 4th of July or want to find the most impressive fireworks display near you, look no further.

We’ve put together a list of 4th of July celebrations that’s sure to have something for everyone, from festivals for the kiddos to car shows and sunset cruises. No matter where or how you choose to spend the day – at the beach, backyard barbeque, with family, or with friends – there’s sure to be something on the list to spice up your West Michigan holiday weekend!


Looking for carnivals, fair food, car shows, and more? Check out these 4th of July festivals.

Fireworks Displays:

Name a better view of fireworks than over the dunes or Lake Michigan!


Start your Independence Day on the right foot!

Other Events:

From a boat party to a painting fundraiser, add some excitement to your holiday weekend!

If you’re planning to enjoy the holiday at home, there are still plenty of ways to make the day extra fun! It has become a tradition in my family to bake Red, White, and Blue Sparkler Cookies to enjoy on the 4th. These buttery sugar cookies are as fun to make as they are to eat. A Patriotic Fruit Pizza, with blueberries and strawberries as the stars and stripes, is another fun way to incorporate red, white, and blue into your day. And of course, Independence Day isn’t complete without enjoying a hot dog or hamburger (or veggie burger if that’s more your style). Make them extra special with a toppings bar, or my personal favorite, by cooking them right over a campfire.

If you’ll be entertaining kids for the Fourth, have them create their own “fireworks” with these easy DIY Confetti Poppers! All you need is balloons, toilet paper tubes, paper, and confetti, which you can even make yourself with metallic tissue paper. Another cheap and easy option that’s sure to be a crowd-pleaser is red, white, and blue water balloons. These’ll keep the kids cool and having fun!

However you choose to spend your West Michigan holiday weekend, we hope you have fun and get the chance to enjoy beautiful summer weather!