From the U.S Air Force to Nursing School at West Shore Community College, Drew has many stories to tell. He grew up in Lafayette, Indiana, while his father taught at Purdue University. From there, he would move to Washington for some years before his family decided to return to their homeland of West Michigan.

Upon receiving degrees and certifications from West Shore Community College, Ferris State University, and Michigan State University, Drew worked as a registered nurse in the ER!

Drew’s new role is Regional Market Leader of the Northwest Region, with our member company, Spectrum Health. In this role, he serves as the President of Spectrum Health Gerber Memorial, Spectrum Health Ludington Hospital, and also the Integrated Care Campus in N. Muskegon.

For Drew, the most challenging part of the transition was making connections, “The COVID crisis has made it tough to connect and reconnect with people and has also consumed a lot of my time—so when that gets under control I look forward to seeing people in person.”

Drew said his favorite part about his new role is “helping communities, helping staff to get what they need to support our community health, and impacting our future.”

Aside from his busy work schedule, in Drew’s free time, he enjoys the outdoors by going fishing and golfing in West Michigan. While his family is still exploring local restaurants, he said him and his wife enjoy the pizza from Seasons.

Looking for some new courses to golf at? Check out our Sports, Leisure, and Water page to discover all of the best golf courses in West Michigan.

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